LAHORE: Lahore Arts Council (LAC) Executive Director Zulfiqar Ali Zulfi Friday presided over a meeting to review the programs to be organized in the coming days.
According to a spokesperson for the LAC here, the meeting decided to mark ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day with zeal and zest. On Feb 5, an exhibition would be held and a walk would also be organized in which Punjab Minister for Culture Khayal Ahmed Kastro would participate as a special guest. The meeting also decided to give an open call to artists to participate in the 18th Annual Young Artist Exhibition. It was announced that a theater festival would also be organized on International Women’s Day.
Also, a calligraphy workshop would be organized soon. Zulfiqar Zulfi told the meeting that many colorful programs would be organized at the advent of the spring season. He said that serving people was the focus of Alhamra administration. He asked the officers for a plan of action for the next three months. All officers of Alhamra shared their views regarding the creation of unique programs. Zulfi issued instructions for reviewing decoration of Alhamra Academy of Performing Arts on daily basis.