Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar and Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi paid a visit to Mayo Hospital to assess the progress of the emergency block’s upgrade. They conducted a thorough inspection of the construction activities, scrutinizing the nursing counter, model room, consultant room, and washroom within the emergency block.
Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar commended the hospital upgrading initiative led by Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi. He expressed admiration for the high quality of work in upgrading the Mayo Hospital’s emergency block and extended his congratulations to the dedicated officers from the Department of Communication and Works.
Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar expressed his delight in seeing the well-equipped model room and modern ICU beds. He emphasized the importance of supporting local industries in providing state-of-the-art beds for hospitals. Briefings on the upgrading plan were presented by the Secretary Health and the Secretary Communication and Works.
The Prime Minister and the Chief Minister visited prisoners who had been brought for treatment from Central Jail, Kot Lakhpat, at the Surgical Tower. They presented bouquets to the prisoners and inquired about their well-being, personally visiting each one and checking on their treatment progress.
The prisoners expressed their gratitude to Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi for the dedicated care and offered prayers for his well-being, acknowledging the personalized attention they received. The Prime Minister also paid a visit to the reading room of Mayo Hospital, commending the excellent study facilities provided.
He engaged in conversations with the doctors present, encouraging them to continue their hard work. The event was attended by Provincial Ministers Dr. Javed Akram, Amir Mir, Dr. Jamal Nasir, Chief Secretary, Inspector General of Police, Secretary Information, Principal King Edward Medical College University, Chief Executive Officer Mayo Hospital, and other relevant authorities.”
Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar and Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi paid a visit to the Imamiya Colony Overhead Bridge. Officials from the NLC provided a comprehensive briefing on the project.
Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar issued directives to expedite the progress of the project and expressed his intention to return to Lahore for its inauguration on December 15th. He emphasized the importance of utilizing all necessary resources to ensure the swift opening of the overhead bridge for traffic.
According to the briefing, the Imamiya Colony Overhead Bridge is slated to be accessible for public traffic by December 15th, with over 70% of the project already completed. Notably, the construction of girders, piling, and retaining walls has reached 100% completion. Concurrently, efforts are underway for the construction of service roads associated with the Imamiya Colony Overhead Bridge Project.
The occasion was attended by Provincial Minister Amir Mir, Chief Secretary, Inspector General of Police, Secretary Housing, Commissioner Lahore Division, and officials from the NLC.”
Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar and caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi visited Mazar-e-Iqbal to offer Fateha here today. Both the leaders prayed for the country and paid homage to the ‘poet of the east’ Allama Iqbal. The PM also wrote his opinion in the visitor’s book.
Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar lauded the rapid and commendable efforts led by Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi for the welfare of the province’s residents. He emphasized the exceptional pace and high quality of Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi’s initiatives, surpassing those of other provinces. The performance of the Punjab government, undoubtedly, sets a benchmark for other provincial administrations.
During a meeting with Punjab cabinet ministers, Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar praised Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi’s swift actions in promptly passing on the benefits of reduced petroleum prices to the people of the province. He personally took to the field, providing relief to the citizens – a gesture that set a significant example.
Under Mohsin Naqvi’s leadership, progress is not only being made in Punjab, but it is also evidently visible. The chief minister’s exceptional capacity to deliver results sets him apart at every level.